
Etalon is structured in 7 work packages that covers all the essential aspects of an R&D project: Management (WP1), Design & Specification (WP2), Development (WP3/WP4/WP6), Validation & Test (WP5), and Exploitation & Dissemination (WP7).



Project Management

This work package is responsible for the assurance of the effectiveness coordination of the project, management of consortium activities and overall administrative and financial activities. It will also manage the risks and propose mitigation strategies and contingency measures if needed.

WP 2 

System Architecture, Specifications and Technical Coherence

Apart from the technical coordination of the project, WP2 will define the overall Functional Requirements, collect the System Requirements of the On-Board Train Integrity Solution and Trackside Energy Harvesting for Object Controllers and write the requirements coming from the Engineering Rules and Maintenance needed for the overall system.
To ensure technical coherence and alignment with Shift2rail projects, this WP will act as liaison with the relevant activities of within Shift2rail JU, specially but not only limited to the projects emerging from the call of the complementary topics concerning IP2.

WP 3 Communication Solutions

A first thorough analysis of the state of the art of on board train integrity (OTI) and trackside communication solutions performed in this WP3 will be the base for defining an architecture, SIL 4 able, for wireless communication along the train and a reliable and secure network infrastructure for track-site communication powered by energy harvesting. Seamless integration with existing infrastructure will be pursued stablishing interfaces to available on and off train communication systems.  

WP 4 

Energy harvesting Solutions

The development or adaptation of an energy harvesting solution that can deliver a reliable and safe power for on-board and trackside signaling functions is the main objective of this WP4. This main objective will be based on a first survey and analysis of energy harvesting technologies available and in development and will take into consideration the compatibility with OTI solutions, the technical requirements specified in WP2 and the economic model for trackside signaling systems coming from WP6. 

WP 5 

Prototype Development, Validation and Testing of the proposed Solution

The objective of this WP5 is the integration of the energy harvesting and communication technologies selected and developed in previous work package into prototypes and test it in laboratories and/or controlled real environment to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
WP 6
Economic Modelling

WP6 will investigate economic models for energy harvesting system meant to provide suitable energy supply for trackside signaling equipment in order to minimize cables and trackside infrastructure. The economic models generated by this WP will be one of the pillars for WP4 decision-making. 
WP 7
Outreach and Networking

This WP seeks to ensure proper dissemination and promotion of the project, providing the highest visibility and raising public awareness of ETALON framework, objective, content and results to all the important actors and stakeholders of the European railway sector.
A further objective of this WP is to collect feedback on the project’s preliminary outcomes to increase the quality and acceptance of the final results. 


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777576

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